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Flynance is an account management app which helps you manage your work and your clients more effectively using analytics, workflows and a wonderful user experience.

You work hard but have trouble keeping track of the time you have spent. Your time is too valulable to spend on unstructured ledgers or spreadsheets. And you want to keep an eye on things on the move.

Flynance allows you to record your tasks and your expenditures, and provides analytics so you can work more effectively. With workflows you will be able to improve your process. Coordinate with your team and your clients. Make sure that your deliverables are documented, you are paid fully, and clients pay you on time.

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UberDoer is a game-­like task ­management application, which utilizes RPG mechanics for tasks for parents and children. Even though it was originally targeted for individuals and families, we have seen how useful UberDoer can be for businesses. You can manage your tasks within your team and see progress of your employees.

Your tasks are synchronized in real time, and with an option add-on of push notifications, you can be informed about the status of tasks as they are updated. You can organize your tasks on a calendar and a detailed scheduling system, and it is easy to manage your teams or family.


Sapphire is an ERP rethought of from the ground up. We have been working with traditional ERP systems for a long time, and we thought that there should be something new, something much simpler that only does the most essential elements of the business and does them right.

The result of this was the creation of Sapphire. For more than 2 years we have continuously refined our ERP system. We have added, and removed, broken and re-assembled, many pieces of code and we have come up with a system that will help make your business processes much easier.


Keeping a track of remote team members is often a need for various types of companies, especially those that are promoting products. Promoters of such companies are on the move in various parts of town, and managers often need to keep track of their location. Often, depending on the business, managers want some kind of a response back from individuals, such as the number of people the promoters interacted with. These processes are mostly manual.

Smart device applications allow tracking of indivuals. The solution is a simple to use smart device application for the iOS and the Android platforms. The users will be able to check in and check out, and managers will be able to see who is where at all times. The devices shall report their location to a remotely managed web service.